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Calman Colaiste College awarded 420 sapling trees from The Woodland Trust

Learning support assistant Becky and animal husbandry tutor Hannah are working in collaboration to develop the outdoor curriculum at Calman Colaiste College in Thorney, Peterborough. 

After applying for The Green Tree Schools Award, a Woodland Trust initiative to encourage outdoor learning and inspire learners about trees, woods and wildlife, the college has been awarded 420 sapling trees! 

Through the award, the college school can take part in fun, practical projects while helping the environment and improve their grounds. 

Learners can also earn certificates in recognition of their achievements and even special plaque to display in the college.

The team have big plans to create a sensory walkway leading to a woodland area, and potentially a maze. The saplings are a combination of fruit bearing trees, wildlife trees and woodland trees, which will support the horticulture and catering lessons. 

Closely aligned with the Woodland Trust initiative, the college is also taking part in the Tree Dressing Festival where learners will design and decorate trees. The college is also taking part in the RSPB Wild Challenge, a specially developed suite of activities for the college to engage learners with nature and provide practical learning opportunities. 

The woodland project will kickstart in March next year, stay tuned as will share updates on their woodland journey in the colleague newsletter and on our social media pages.

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